The Silver Jews The Silver Jews - New Orleans

I'm scared (I swear) of you. In the tunnel, in the darkness,
the darkest walls of blue, there's beasts & ther's men
& there's something on this earth that comes back again: everybody's smoked
You can't say that my soul has died away(x2) There's trouble
in the hall & trouble up the stairs & trouble in the trouble
that's troubling the air. Please don't say that my
soul has died away.

There is a house in New Orleans, not the one
you've heard about. I'm talking about another house.
They spoke of gold in the cellar that a Spanish
gentleman had left. I broke in one hundred years ago
with a dagger tucked in my vest. Legends of gold
I've tried to hold in the grey half-lite of the
halway at 3 4 5 we're
trapped inside the song. We're trapped inside the song(x3)
where the nights are so long. There's traps inside us
all(x3) and the nights are so tall. And the night
is so tall. And the knife is so tall.